Our school is a unique and caring institution consisting of students all pursuing the goal of life long learning.
Bluff State School is located centrally along the Main Street of town, adjacent to the Capricorn Highway. Bluff School opened in 1907 and since then has been working to ensure the best for our students.
Our school supports children in the township of Bluff as well as surrounding communities and farming areas. Encompassing a broad catchment area which stretches into neighbouring townships.
Our grounds include undercover areas, two playgrounds, a sports oval, gardens and open spaces. Facilities for the school are being continually developed. The classrooms are situated with a central focal point which offers learning flexibility between classes, and are pleasantly located next to lovely gardens. Within the buildings, staff have developed a variety of teaching areas to cater for the needs of every child.
Parents and citizens assist in providing a wide range of resources, by helping in the tuckshop, library, and developing the grounds.
Bluff State School is making a very positive contribution to the education of children in our community.
Our school operates from 8.30am–2.30pm. Please see Class times for further information.